Freestanding & Integrated Freezers

Freestanding & Integrated freezer Repairs

Fridge freezers are highly important to our daily lives, (if there wasn’t any cold milk in the morning for coffee we would come to a standstill) and tenants fridges are even more important than that. It is a responsibility to ensure that your tenants are able to store their food and drink properly.

Our freestanding & integrated freezer repair service offers our clients a fixed labour charge with parts (if needed) added on. We can’t quote on parts until we have seen the machine as we won’t know what parts the freezer may need. We can however give you an idea of the cost for parts based on our telephone call with the tenant.

Before calling about a freezer repair you should make sure that the tenants have performed a number of checks to ensure that a repair or replacement fridge is really needed:

1. Thoroughly clean out the drain hole (usually located on the back wall of the fridge). To ensure that the fridge is able to circulate the air around the unit correctly this hole needs to be clean. You can unblock this usually by putting a pen or pencil in the hole and wiggling it around a bit. Leave the unit for another couple of hours and see if it has make any difference.

2. You should also advise them to check the settings on the freezer, sometimes you can have the unit on too high or too low and a number of fridges come with a fast defrost button that a lot of people mistake for a fast cool or extra cool setting.

3.  Finally, you should advise them to defrost the unit properly before calling out an engineer.  A lot of freezers are not frost free units and so require defrosting every 3 – 6 months which tenants don’t always know, or if they do, don’t always actually do it.

If after checking the above things it still isn’t working, get in touch to repair the freezer.

D&S are committed to keeping landlord costs down and so if we feel (after diagnosing the issue over the phone) that it would be more economical to replace with a new freezer we will offer 3 quotes to replace BEFORE going out to repair. This will mean that your landlords will not have a call out charge to pay in addition to the cost of a new freezer if it does need replacing.

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